Jack Snyder

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Ebenezer Enigma

We will be looking at STANDING STONES and the LOST NAZARENE DOCTRINE OF THE STANDING MAN in our Roundtable Sessions this weekend in Vero Beach, Florida. You are invited.

Find manuscript links, podcasts, recordings, and directions at http://www.YAHpop.us. Root and Branches Hebraic Roots Group. (If you’ve not heard of me before, I send a weekly Hebraic Roots type email. If you don’t want to hear from me, reply!)

The Vision of Gabriel
I have been excited about the discovery of what is called the “Hazon Gabriel” (or the “Vision of Gabriel”) a new “Dead Sea Scroll”; only this one isn’t a scroll, it’s a stone.

(If you want your message to get out thousands of years after your gone, forget email and Facebook. Write your name on a stone instead.)

Somebody set the prophetic words of Yahweh’s bachar malach ie Gabriel to stone, and the angelic message is just coming to light. AND YOUR INPUT may help to get us the message. You see, this particular stone was good for only fifteen hundred years. In the last 500, the message has faded – and much of it is lost. However, therer is still enough text that we might work to fill in the blanks with educated (or inspired) words, thus reviving the text and its message.

If you’d like to try, I’d like to see your solutions. You can find information on the Hazon and a translation at my Bible News archaeology site at this link. Here are some clues:

Clues to Destiny and Fulfillment
People in the know date the Hazon Gabriel to the first century B.C. or within a hundred years of the Messiah’s birth. Of course, those “in the know” are prejudiced against the Messiah being who he is, so they often cheat. Just consider the date as being close to Messiah’s birth in Bethlehem, and consider that the stone was found just a short ways from there.

As such, the stone and its message may have had a very significant influence on the theology of the nativity – or vice versa. You decide.

If you look at the text and you think there’s not enough there to make something of it, THINK AGAIN. There is plenty there, such as the following entries:
The phrase, The children of Yahweh is there with the Sacred Name clearly legible numerous times. Therein, the name of your Heavenly Father is NOT COVERED OVER with LARD and GAWD. Find also,
YHWH of hosts will sanctify Israel … in three days you will know.
You (Gabriel) are the Standing Man of Israel.
In three days, LIVE! … the Prince of Princes.

That’s a little, but it’s also a LOT. Please see if you can fill in the blanks and send your research to me!

An Historical Marker, An Ebenezer
So we are looking at an historical marker, 50 BC or later, containing bits and pieces of what appears to be a more fleshed-out version of Luke 1:28ff:

Hail, kecharitomene (which means something like Darling!), Yahweh is with you. Behold! You will conceive in your womb and bear a Son, and you will call His name Yahshua. This One will be great and will be called Ben El Elyon. And Yahweh Elohim will give Him the throne of His father David. He will reign over Beit Yaaqov to the ages for there will be no end to His kingdom.

So If the Hazon is recorded in this context, the prophecy would be directed to the time of the Passion. You may read more about Hazon Gabriel at my Bible-News site.

This kind of marker stone is what the Hebrew Scriptures call an Ebenezer, a “helping stone.” Look!

Samuel took a stone and set it up named it Ebenezer; for he said, “So far Yahweh has helped us,” … for Israel recovered their … and there was peace. (1 Samuel 7:12-14)

We know the term Ebenezer less from the Scriptures than from Dickens’ Christmas Carol (Ebenezer Scrooge) or the church hymn, “Come thou fount”:

Here I raise mine Ebenezer;
hither by thy help I’m come;
and I hope, by thy good pleasure,
safely to arrive at home.

James the Just: Standing Man
There is a lost doctrine of the Sect of the Nazarenes (Acts 24:5) called THE STANDING MAN. Instead of a standing stone built into an edifice for support or a marking stone for help, the STANDING MAN was a person (and not always a man) who was considered to be so important to the commonwealth of Israel that if he fell, the entire society would be destroyed. Those of the true faith considered quite a few people as STANDING MAN, beginning with the family of Rechab, or Rechabites. Yahweh promised them that there would always be a Rechab family member STANDING BEFORE HIM. Probably the most important STANDING MAN in Nazarene lore was the brother of the Messiah, JAMES THE JUST. He was known in his day as the PILLAR (Oblias) of Israel. If that pillar were shaken, the entire world would be destroyed. “Go to James the Just,” said the Savior in the Gospel of Thomas. “For him was made both the earth and skies.” Josephus the historian tells us that the murder of James – the FALLING OF THE OBLIAS – was the spark that ignited Israel to the extent that Roman troops came down in 64 AD and destroyed everything, including Jerusalem and the Temple by 70 AD. Ten days after the Romans came (ie ten years prophetic time), Israel was done.(Rev 2:10)

For More on Standing Man, Standing Stone
There are yet STANDING PEOPLE IN OUR DAY. You may be one. We must recover this original, foundational understanding because it is LOST, yet SCRIPTURAL and ESSENTIAL TO THE FIRST NAZARENES.

For the LOST DOCTRINE OF THE STANDING MAN, click this link.

If you are interested in INCREDIBLE PROPHECY, TRY The Parable Of The Ten Standing Stones: Obscure Prophesies of Future Prophets.


This is what we will study this weekend in our Roundtables here in Vero Beach. For meeting information, manuscripts or recordings, go to http://www.YAHpop.us or reply to this mail.

In the Scripture,
Jackson Snyder



June 19, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | | Leave a comment